Sunday, April 26, 2009

Runner's Log

6.55 miles; 1'09"; 635 calories burned

Quarter Marathon? Or a Half Half Marathon? Either way, it just about made my legs fall off and wiped me out for the rest of the night. How the heck am I going to run 13.1 miles in June? Also, it was slightly embarrassing because our neighborhood is kind of small and one set of neighbors was outside having a crawfish boil. I swear I ran by them 10 times and they thought I was crazy!


Anonymous said...
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Amy said...

We did 8 on Saturday, & I needed the rest of the weekend to recuperate; think it was the hills! I got on the sofa & then the bed & napped until 2pm Saturday. Went to bed around 11:00 & slept til 9am- UNHEARD of for me! Not sure how I will do 9 on Saturday... Try doing the 1 min walk/1 min run intervals. It makes a big difference in your fatigue level- I was fine after 6!