Saturday, March 28, 2009

I Is Lazy.

Maybe I'm not lazy, but I sure feel that way when I do everything but study. Here's what I've done the last few days.

got ready for school and preceptor meeting - which means I have to dress up and manage to get my white coat and bookbag and purse into the car without spilling coffee on anything. This usually involves me making 2 trips to put things in my car. Needless to say, I was running late. That's normal. What's not normal is the fact that I didn't quite shut the door all the way. Woodrow came and pushed on it to follow me outside and he got out. He ran over to the neighbor's yard and greeted both my neighbor and another gentleman. I said hi and told them how late I was running and that I needed to get him inside. So what does neighbor's friend do? Strikes up a conversation of course!

Neighbor's Friend: "Oh, didn't you meet my wife the other day at the bank?"
Me: "Uh, yeah. Come here Woodrow! Come on! I'm LATE LATE LATE!!!"
Neighbor's Friend: "Yeah, what's your name, Alicia?"
Me: "It's Allison. You're close. Come on Woodrow!!!"

Keep in mind the entire time Woodrow is just hanging out with neighbor and neighbor's friend - literally at their feet. Do the men make any attempt to help the poor distressed neighbor girl? Nope. At this point I was super late and Kris was up and about to leave for work so I told him to get Woodrow inside. At this point Woodrow has moved on and is running around other neighbor's yards sniffing around. Kris called him, got him back in the garage, had him by the collar, pushed the button to shut the garage door, and then Woodrow slipped out of his collar. He wouldn't come back so Kris just shut the garage door and went to work.

Since I had to meet with my preceptor that day I didn't get home until around 5:00 and Kris didn't get home until after that. Woodrow tried to dig in to the backyard under the fence and there were muddy paw prints on our front door. We haven't seen him since. We've walked around the neighborhood calling him, left food in the garage for him, looked around all the surrounding neighborhoods and apartment complexes, called all the vets and pounds, and put up fliers. I don't think he's coming back though. Kris is pretty sure someone took him. If he's right I hope they're not being abusive to him. He's kind of a handful but we were just getting the hang of it with the kitchen gate and all.

So Thursday pretty much sucked. Friday I was thinking he'd show up. I had class from 9-12. Came home - no Woodrow. I've been needing to work on organizing my built-in bookshelves in my living room so I finally got that done. I'll have to post some pics when I get them perfected. I'm covering the books in plain white paper and then writing the author and title on pretty tags that I made from some scrapbook paper. The tags are glued to a ribbon that I just stuck in the middle of each book. It just makes everything look so much cleaner and organized. Most of them are Kris's Stephen King novels so the book jackets aren't the prettiest. Mostly black and red - not really in fitting with my decor. ha.

After that I was exhausted and took a "short" nap. I slept 3.5 hrs. I knew I had to get a run in yesterday so I immediately jumped up to go run. Bad idea. I only did 2 miles. Apparently the 1st mile was one of my fastest though. I think it was around 7 minutes. Tiger Woods came on my iPod and told me. I love Nike+. My best runs come in the mid-afternoon after I've had time to digest my lunch and about an hour after I have some sort of caffeine. It just gives that extra boost. So running immediately after waking up and not having eaten in about 6 hrs - not a good idea. After that I worked some more on the shelves while watching the Sex and the City movie. I LOVE that movie. Then I got ready for bed and went to shut the garage door. I shut it alright - right on the trunk of my car... It didn't hurt my car, but it made the garage door non-functional. Did I mention I got this garage door fixed WEDNESDAY??? As in 4 days ago Wednesday. Yeah. I'm that good. So pretty much Friday sucked too.

Today has been better so far. No major catastrophes. Made a Wal-Mart and Hobby Lobby run this morning, then had a bridal shower to attend this afternoon, then joined my brother and sister in law for drinks at Papito's and hibachi at Nagoya. Yum! That was unplanned and very fun. The bartender at Nagoya was so funny. She gave us a leftover drink she had made called "Wedding Cake" which was pretty yummy. Then when we ordered a Kamikaze shot for sis-in-law she accidentally made 3, so she gave us the other 2 and said "Drink those fast, before they see you and make me charge you for them." Ha. I don't think I've ever had a free drink before. Pretty funny I got it from a girl instead of a guy. I feel incredibly guilty for not having studied in the last 2 days, but I'm about to do a transcription, so maybe that counts?

For tomorrow:
*Must not break any major household appliances
*Must study
*Must run

Wish me luck!

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