Tuesday, January 19, 2010

And I Thought Endocrine Was Bad...

Oy. Neurology is going to be the bane of my existence for the next 10 days of my life. I can already tell. Here's some of my favorite quotes from today from the worst resident I have ever come into contact with in my life:

To dear old veteran who is in excruciating pain and trying to give a good history of why he is hurting: "NICE STORY; NOT RELATED to what we're dealing with." He said this very, very loudly and then just bustled out of the room. I dearly hope he goes into private practice and STARVES - because no one will come to him voluntarily, EVER.

To me:
"Hey you, tonight I want you to look up myelopathy, spondylolisthesis, dysautonomia, and compression fractures as it all relates to that patient and give us a presentation tomorrow. I also want you to throw in one pearl from Sapira's book - you know, the one no one bought." (Yeah, I don't have that book. It's from 2nd year and I didn't even buy it then.)

It's gonna be a long 10 days.


Ewok, M.D. said...

just make a comment on how his hair is looking thin. I just thought about how funny it would have been, because you know he'll go out and buy a bunch of mirrors. OH-stick with chaka khan he's awesome (assuming you're on VA?).

Cousin A said...

OMG!!!! Private message me who it is. That is ridiculous! I'll see if any of the therapists have tips on dealing with him.

frylime said...

this dude, i swear, is such a loser. i've seen him in public at bars and he's the hugest douche ever. and i have that book if you need a PEARL or something...

chasingzebras said...

Ha ha ha. Y'alls comments are cracking me up.