Sunday, August 12, 2007

Something VERY HARD begins tomorrow - we get it!

So, orientation for medical school was last week and I lost count of the number of times my classmates and I were told, "It's going to be HARD!!!" Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence everyone. Thanks for royally freaking us out. Seriously, do they think that by telling us how hard it is going to be is going to ease our pain or make it any easier? Do they think we don't know it's going to be incredibly difficult?
I'm sure none of us realize exactly how difficult it is going to be yet, but the truth is it probably won't be as hard for some people as it is for others. Unfortunately, I do not think I will be included in that group. I predict many sleepless nights and drained coffee pots in the future. Speaking of...
We have a quiz tomorrow - on our first day of class, so I have to go study!

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