Monday, April 6, 2009

Names for Consideration So Far:

Idgy (Fried Green Tomatoes y'all)
Zooey (we both like Zooey Deschanel, the actress from Elf and other things)

She really is very sassy. Our 1.5 yr old niece was at our house earlier and you should have seen them playing!


Laura said...

Idgy would be the most original, I'd say. Unless you wanted to name her....TOWANDA!

Ewok said...

From what I can tell, the school still requires you to have a 70 in order to pass the class. I don't know if he'll "fix" grades or not. I'm thinking not.

Oh, and I want to see puppy pics. I may even need to mysteriously drop by your house and play with puppy.

Amy said...

Definitely Idgy- althought I think Towanda would be a GREAT name as well!

julzjubilee said...

I love Idgy!!!! I'm coming by this weekend for sure. even if for only a few minutes so you can study!