Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Conversation with Doreen

So, I play tennis on a league. I'm one of the youngest players. Most of the women are in their late 20s, 30s, or 40s. They're all generally nurses, realtors, bankers, or stay-at-home moms. Last night I played Doreen, a very nice 40ish loan officer. This is how our conversation went:

Doreen, between games: So, what do you do when you're not playing tennis?

Me: Well, I'm in medical school, so I mostly just study.

Doreen: Oh, where do you go to school?

Me: In Jackson, here at UMC. (I'm AMAZED how often people ask me this. There is only ONE medical school in our entire state. The nearest one is hundreds of miles away in a neighboring state. Is guess this isn't common knowledge? Should've told her I went to school in the Caribbean but flew in for my weekly tennis match.)

Doreen: Wow, so what kind of doctor do you want to be?

Me: I'm not really sure yet.

Doreen: But a medical doctor, right?

Me: Uh, yeah.

Oh well, I guess it's better than the last lady who asked what I did. I told her I was in med school and she said - "Oh, so you're going to be a teacher?" What?!?! I wish I had a dollar for every time I said "No, I'm going to be a REAL doctor."

(Please don't take this as a mean/negative/I'm better than you post. I just think it's pretty funny the range of reactions you can get when people find out what you do - especially if you're a girl.)

1 comment:

tinyletters said...

My grandfather is still confused... My cousin is a repiratory therapist and is now going to nursing school... and my grandfather pipes out... "We are gonna have two doctors in the family!" I love my cousin.... but ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME????