Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I wish I wasn't interested in so many things. Then it would be so much easier to sit in the library and study 12 hours every day. Since our test last Friday I've been doing nothing but indulging all those interests. I've run, played piano, watched movies, gone shopping - A LOT, spiffed up the house a little, and attempted to cook some new things. But, we have a Path board tomorrow, and I'm about to try something crazy... Going to Cups WITHOUT my computer/without and endless source of distraction. Just me, my Path BRS book, and some yummy coffee. It's nice when everything you need to study is in one concise little book instead of spread out among several study guides, old tests, Powerpoints, and random pages of notes.

*Note to the future M2s out there: You'll hear nothing but praise for Goljan's Rapid Review of Pathology. While the audio is great to listen to, I am not impressed by the actual review book. It does have great color illustrations, but it's much denser than BRS and has bullet points instead of you know, REAL sentences. I guess I'm a little partial due to the fact that I like real sentences with subjects and verbs instead of seemingly random bits of information.

Boards left: 4
Days 'til STEP: 38

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