Well I got to see the garage door man again today. Awesome. The one thing I can say about this guy is that he always shows up 30 minutes earlier than he's scheduled, calls 15 minutes ahead of time to give you a warning, and doesn't leave until he gets the job done. He's not terribly expensive either. It's nice to find a non-scary non-price gouging service man. So if your garage door ever breaks, just let me know and I'll get you his number.
Still no luck on the Woodrow front. We're planning on maybe/probably getting a puppy/dog Friday when Kris gets back from his little trip. He's leaving town today to go see a UFC fight in Nashville with his bestie. I don't think he's that interested in the fight, but is interested in a fun trip. I can't blame him. He won't be back until Thursday. What will I do with 3 days in the house all to myself? Hopefully I'll get some work done!!!
I felt the major pangs of guilt for not studying every hour of every day yesterday when sitting behind one of my classmates. During the lecture she pulled out her First Aid (the STEP book) to take notes in it. Not only did it have nifty little tabs all up and down the sides but as she flipped through it I saw highlighting in several different colors and tons of her own notes in the margins - on nearly every page. That book is about 500-600 pages long. how many pages have I glanced at? Not sure, probably around 30. Yikes. There's now less than 60 days before the test. It's time to get on the ball. The only problem is we have another week and a half of class left and I really don't want to just completely bomb this last round of tests in order to study for STEP. Not to mention I can't really afford to bomb these tests. Whatever though. I guess I just need to get organized and I'm hoping to make some progress on that front over the next week. It's looking a little doubtful though since before midnight tomorrow night I must accomplish all of the following:
* finish 4 transcriptions
* attend the PIG roast (this is a charity event for Blair E. Batson at Old Venice :))
* play in a tennis match (and hopefully win)
Thursday night I also have a transcription due and another tennis match. Maybe it will rain and one of them will get moved/cancelled.
Oh yeah, I nearly forgot - either on Thursday or Friday I have to complete my first witnessed (by my preceptor) history and physical. It's a little nerve wracking since we've done lots of pieces of a physical exam but hardly a whole thing. I am really comfortable looking in ears now and can almost always find the ear drum - except when there's so much wax it just completely blocks everything. That happens about 1/2 the time. It's pretty gross.
Must get back to class now, but thought I'd rant for a second. I'm sorry my posts are always so sporadic, but for those who know me well you know that's just how my brain works. I don't know any other way!
Love my dog, but I wouldn't get another if he disappeared tomorrow. Just my 2 cents. :)
You don't need a dog, you've got some pretty rambunctious boys to take care of. I wouldn't get one if I were you either :)
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