Even though we still have 2 more tests this week I'm already on Spring Break. After the pharm test this morning I came home and made a beeline for the bed. I slept until about 2:00 this afternoon. Then Kris and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings for a little lunch. Yum.
He went to run some errands after that and I proceeded to lay in bed for 3 straight hours watching episodes of Desperate Housewives and Medium that I've missed for the last 2 weeks. Then I decided I should get off my lazy butt and do something. I still didn't want to study so I went running instead.
That's about it. Now I'm settling in to finish reviewing psychiatry for the test tomorrow. I was trying to review it earlier, but I was on the couch and Kris was watching some movie called Death Sentence which was pretty good so I ended up watching it instead. Ha ha. Oh well. I should know some of this stuff since I've spent about 20 hours working on 4 quizzes for the class.
On an unrelated note, every time I hear or say the word "psychiatry" or "psychiatrist" I think of Desi Arnez screaming "fee-see-kee-uh-trist!"
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