I was at the hospital for 13 hours today.
My residents were probably there 14 hours.
I saw my resident eat 1/2 cup of cereal and a Coke today - that's all.
I am literally sore all over and not quite sure how they keep up the momentum!
Today was a bit more fun than yesterday though. We had clinic all day yesterday (not my favorite). Today was a bit more scattered. We started the morning out seeing postpartum patients, then ended up in the OR for a delivery and D&C after a very scary miscarriage, then ended up helping out in OB Receiving for the afternoon.
I think tomorrow will be more fun though :)
So glad you are enjoying HROB!
for the past few days i've been getting the hospital at 4 am and not leaving until at least 7 pm...tuesday i left at 9:30. last night i was on call and helped operate all night long, luckily my resident let me leave today at 8-ish and i got my first 8 hours of sleep in a row since july...
isn't med school AWESOME?! glad you're enjoying your rotation!
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