Sunday, June 6, 2010

Not Feeling It

This marks day #3 of not feeling so hot. It all started Friday morning. I felt a tiny bit sick to my stomach, but blamed it on too much greasy Waffle House with Kris the night before. (Always a good idea the night before a big standardized test, amiright?)

Things got worse as the day went on. My sweet mama tried to take me out shopping and I could only make it through 1 store. Thankfully it was Pier 1 and I was able to sit down in chairs throughout :)

Went home, got in bed and hibernated most of the night. Kris got home with some Pepto Bismol which worked the absolute opposite of how it was supposed to. Funny, I didn't know Pepto was just Syrup of Ipecac...

Saturday I managed to feel pretty okay in the morning, made it to a good friend's wedding. It was a gorgeous morning wedding with a reception following at the Old Capitol Inn. There was a jazz band called Dr. Jazz - made up entirely of older doctors who play weddings for fun. They were great! I was wondering how many of them had families though. I don't imagine they're ever at home if they're off playing gigs on Saturdays.

Today I woke up thinking I could finally get to studying hard core, but I was wrong. I'm jut still not feeling it. I slept until 11:00 and then fell back asleep at 2:00 and just woke up. I've got absolutely NO appetite so I'm trying to force the gatorade and fluids down. I'm pretty sure it's just a viral gastroenteritis, but if that pain starts heading down to my right lower quadrant.... I'm gonna be pissed! (That means appendicitis, hospitalization, and likely surgery for the non-medical people. Aka - lots of lost study time)

Hope everyone else is getting some work done and not being sick!


Ewok said...

I had a similar experience thurs and friday. I think there may be something going around. I was sick to my stomach (and actually had RLQ pain with anorexia) but it went away after 48hrs. Hope you feel better!

Allison said...

Stomach illnesses are the WORST. Give me the flu over that mess any day. Hope you're feeling better!