Saturday, April 3, 2010

Big Decisions

Well folks, a decision has been made. I am going to do Ob/Gyn. I know this might be a shock for a few of my classmates who read.

I went into OB/GYN thinking I would love it immediately. Then I was overwhelmed by their language made entirely of abbreviations. Ex: "Mrs. S is a 37 yo AAF G5P4 here to r/o PROM, h/o PreE, DM; GBS+" It goes on and on. There are tons of abbreviations. I also was intimidated by the deliveries and afraid of screwing something up. I got nervous that I couldn't feel the dilation of the cervix, etc... I started thinking about malpractice insurance and focusing on all the bad in order to talk myself out of it as a career option.

Now the last 2 weeks I've gotten a bit more comfortable, learned the lingo (mostly), and finally learned how to correctly do a bimanual pelvic exam (your fingers go BEHIND the cervix and push up), and seen some incredible surgeries.

During one of the surgeries this past week I just so wanted to be the one digging in and doing the work. It was a fibroid removal aka "myomectomy" and it was amazing. Plus, they use a ROBOT to do surgery - a robot!!!

The other pros on my pro/con list I made:
*no incredibly detailed H&Ps to be taken; just a general PMH, PSH, and then detailed OB/GYN history which consists of a few precise questions. When I was considering Internal Medicine the though of having to do thousands and thousands of detailed H&Ps over the years made me want to jump off a cliff. Those patients' medication lists alone are enough to turn me away. (For those of you not in the medical profession, H&P is the entire medical history and physical exam performed on people when they're admitted to the hospital. It takes me anywhere from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on how sick the patient is and gets really old asking people the same questions over and over again.)

*surgeries! I've started really enjoying the OR (as long as I remember to eat before I go in so I don't get all hypoglycemic and cranky) Plus, most of these surgeries are SHORT (aka less than 3 hrs) and there are just fewer surgeries to perfect compared to general surgery. But still, you get to be a surgeon - you're just a surgeon with dangly earrings (amiright Ewok???) Ha ha. Threw that in just for you. I've found that when I don't know our schedule for the next day I find myself really hoping it's a surgery day and not clinic. There are only 2 specialties where that's an option. Ob/Gyn and General Surgery. So that really narrows it down.

There's more pros than this, I just can't think of them right now. There's also some cons of course but a lot of those are true for all specialties. The main difference is malpractice insurance. I'm pretty sure the amount that Ob/Gyns make is more than enough to cover that and live comfortably though, so I'm not worried about it. I'm often quite surprised to see how much people in my class freak out over their future income and paying back loans. I mean honestly - I've never seen a POOR doctor who doesn't have enough to support their family. And since I'm not the type that's going to buy a new BMW every year I really don't stress about it. We could be in a lot worse shape people!

Anyway, now that I've gotten that out I feel better. Think I'm about to drink some coffee, go for a run in the sunshine, and then get ready for a Crawfish Wedding Party for a very special friend of mine. Have a great Easter weekend everyone!

P.S. - My running total for March was 15 miles. Geez. I think that puts me at around 45ish miles run for the year. I'm going to have to pick it up this month if I want to hit 300 by 2011...


Tracey said...

You could buy me a BMW when you are a doctor. Just sayin. Or you could just take care of me when I have a fancy degree and no job (stupid recession)! Both sound like pros to me!

Cousin A said...

AHA! I knew it! I read your last post & thought this could be it! YEA! Too bad I'm not having any more kids, or I'd let you deliver me. :) Oh well, at least you have Jen!

frylime said...

i would TOTALLY let you deliver my babies...i'm so glad you've made your decision!