Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's a PASS!!!

Never in my life have I been so happy to have passed a test!!!

Sorry the posting has been pitiful lately. Surgery is working me to the bone. That being said, today was an incredibly rare exception to the rule and we were finished with surgery by 10:00 this morning. Checked our STEP scores (in the surgery lounge, where I screamed "PASS!!!" and slammed my fist on the table. Then my good friend A came running up and we sort of did a jump/chest bump/hug in mid-air. I thought I got a pneumothorax from one of her pens jabbing me in the chest. The surgery residents thought we were crazy.) Then after the crazy rush of it all we had to give presentations and then we went with our team (residents + us M3 students) to Mugshots to have some burgers. All in all it's been a pretty good day so far.

Decided I should treat myself to a little reward, so I stopped at my favorite boutique - Target, and got a nifty bag that I can put my laptop, pens, wallet, books, and a change of clothes in. Essential for the surgery rotation. I've needed it the last 6 weeks!

To make the day even better, I got home and Netflix had brought me Bride Wars. Cha ching! About to sit back in the recliner with the fan on, a blanket, a pup, maybe a cold beverage, and a movie. Does it get much better?

Hope everyone else's day has been wonderful and if it hasn't, I'll be sending up some special prayers for you :)


frylime said...


R said...

Woo hoo!!!

Ewok said...

congrats! we should celebrate with some yaki mandu!

OleMissBabyDoc, M.D. said...

Congrats! :)

Laura said...

Congrats. What subspecialties are you doing? I'd love any tips for the General/AC/VA blocks!