Sunday, June 14, 2009

Goals for Today (in no logical order)

*cook dinner
*get a new phone (because AT&T doesn't pick up in the hospital)
*recover from the half (knees ok now, hips might fall off - could barely walk yesterday!)
*clean house
*do stupid EBM assignment for school
*throw together 5 minute presentation on diverticulitis for tomorrow
*figure out financial aid's hangup
*pack lunch for tomorrow
*pay bills

Not sure if it's the week of surgery or the half marathon, but I've been walking around in a daze trying to figure out what I should do at any given moment and therefore getting nothing done. Hope everyone else's weekend was fabulous!


Laura said...

I'm doing EBM today too. Do you know anyone that's done it?

Ewok said...

I complained to Amani. Maybe she'll deal with them for me?

OleMissBabyDoc, M.D. said...

There's nothing like having absolutely no time and still having to prepare a presentation and other random school assignments. Hang in there, and congrats on your run! :)