Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Study Break of the Day

Kris got an e-mail from the Teach Mississippi Institute stating that his completion certificate is in the mail! Wahoo! He's off at the movies while I'm stuck here studying, but when he gets finished we're going to have a celebratory dinner at the place of his choice. That'll be today's study break and I swear I'll look forward to it for the next 3 hours. After that I'll look forward to running and going to bed. I'm hoping the rain is finished so I can fit in a little run after dinner. Maybe it'll keep me from gorging myself. Probably not though.

P.S. - I can't complain too much about studying today since I didn't get started until 2:15. That's what happens when it's raining and you want to stay in bed all day. I plan on studying until 1:00 tonight to make up for the difference and the hours away at dinner and running. Sometimes I REALLY wish I were a morning person. In one month I'll probably KILL to be a morning person! And so that's how I decided upon my gift to myself for completing the STEP. Behold:

It's a coffeemaker WITH a timer. That way when I roll out of bed at 4:30am I'll have a fresh cup of coffee waiting on me. Goodbye $12 Wal-Mart coffeemaker. I'll miss you!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I can't decide if surgery will be what finally gets me to start drinking coffee. Don't get me wrong, I like it and will occasionally drink it (probably 5 or 6 times since I started med school, seriously)....but somehow, I've never gotten into it. My little 4-cup maker is covered in dust (actually flour/cocoa powder dust since it sits next to my mixer), and I haven't ever needed it to jolt me to consciousness. Scary...

But there's always Cups...and a McDonald's near my house and now a Dunkin' Donuts. I sense an impending cave-in. ...sigh...