Sunday, May 17, 2009

In a Funk

I feel like I need a day off from studying, but unfortunately there's JUST NO TIME!!! Aaaahhh! Freak out ensues.

Mostly I'm just in a funk because I did a bunch of questions on U World (a set of questions that simulate the STEP) yesterday and my overall percentage dropped 4%. And then it made me want to cry. But I was too exhausted to cry. And now I'm supposed to get up and be happy to do it all again today? Me thinks no... Perhaps I should spend some time reviewing all the notes I've painstakingly made for each section since I learn by repetition. Let's do that. Okay, pep talk over. Going to study now.

Hoping everyone's day is better than mine!


Laura said...

Ugh I was pissed about Franklin. And as for new kittens...I will probably wait a while. I'm already farming out my dog a good bit (to my parents) thanks to studying and upcoming surgery block. So as for pets, I'm taking a hiatus except for shared custody of Max.

frylime said...

i totally overall average just sucks and nothing i do seems to be making it move up the last few days. alas.