a procrastinator. I'm still pooped from last block!!! I've yet to really start studying pathology for this block because we're studying the kidneys and I HATE the kidneys. I haven't started pharm yet because we don't have a handy-dandy already slapped together drug list. So what have I done all day?
I'm nearly finished painting my living room - finally. I cleaned our bathroom. I took a bubble bath. I did listen to one lecture on vaccines. I think I already knew 99% of the info in the lecture though, so not quite sure how productive that was. Now I'm about to watch Grey's. Then after that I'm determined to learn about those stinkin' kidneys. Send some motivation this way please!!!
1 comment:
Kidneys are another reason to avoid family medicine.
The common trifecta seen in family medicine = damaged kidneys = ESRD = dialysis = lower extremity amputation = a pain in your butt & your patient's overweight, 1-legged butt.
Sorry for the lack of motivation. But I can give you sympathy- I hate renal too & feel your pain. :)
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