Kris has been lusting after a new iPod for a while now. Yesterday he broke down and bought himself a new nano. I've also been wanting a new nano even though my 5-yr old mini works just fine. Why, you ask? For the Nike + technology. It hooks up with a sensor you wear in your shoes while you're running and gives you info like how far you've run, calories burned, etc... It's pretty nifty.
The nano comes in 2 varieties. The 8G is $150 and the 16G is $200. That means it holds 2x as much music for just $50 more! So being the genius that I am I suggested to Kris that we just share the iPod. That's what marriage is all about, right? So we decided to go for the one that holds 2x as many songs. I think this will work out alright since Kris and I never work out at the same time - mostly because he never really works out. *I'm going to get in trouble for that one.* he he he.
I think he's mainly planning on using it next year when he's teaching *fingers crossed* during his off period. He can listen to some music while grading papers. I've just ordered the sensor online. It's reasonably priced at $29. The best part is the sensor fits in the sole of Nike running shoes, but if you don't have those you can get this nifty little $5 contraption that fits on any other type of running shoe and holds the sensor. So really for $35 + shipping of course I've just ordered a rejuvenating motivator to my current workouts. That, my friends is exciting.
In other exciting news I used my new crockpot for the 1st time last night and had amazing results. I'm not a big meat-eater. I like it, but I don't like buying it, cooking it, etc... It seems like whenever I cook anything other than chicken it comes out tough and dry.
Enter - the magical crockpot. I'm obsessed. I made a super easy recipe yesterday. It was just 1 big pork roast, 1/4 c. brown sugar, 6 oz orange juice concentrate, and 1 chopped onion. Let it cook on high for 3 hours, then low 3 hours. The meat fell apart when it was done. I was able to "cut" it with a spoon. I just served it over white rice for a simple dinner. I think next time I might add pineapple towards the end for a little extra oomph. It really was good though. I knew it when Kris and I both looked at each other at the same time and gave a thumbs up. (I was studying - or maybe watching Grey's Anatomy - in the next room. He was on the phone with iPod tech support.) This is how it goes sometimes at our house. We eat dinner at the table about half the time and in various other places the other half of the time. Also, if the world was on our schedule everyone would eat breakfast at 11:00, lunch at 3:30, and dinner at 9:00. They would go to bed at 1:00 or 2:00, and get up at 10:00. Ah, life would be ideal :)
Wonder how the pork would be with a can of limeade? Or do you think the crockpot would do the limeade injustice? Maybe you could add green beans next time...
oooh, i did something similar the other day (but put it on salmon). i would recommend the pineapple! also, for "asian flair", add some soy sauce and ginger! soooooo yummy!
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