Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Playing Catch Up

Well, we've officially had our 1st gross anatomy test. It consisted of a written section that took about 2 hours and a practical which took about 2 hours. As expected, the written part went okay for me and the practical was pretty difficult. I haven't actually seen my grade yet because Dr. Sinning is still "trying to decide what the answers are." That does not sound promising at all. Anyway, all of us were so busy studying for the gross practical last week that we've been neglecting biochem and histology. Now instead of enjoying my weekend I'll be looking at biochemistry powerpoints and histology slides. I guess I'll get better at this time management thing as the year rolls on.
On a happier note, when I arrived home today at 6:00, the floors were sparkling and the carpet had those great little roller marks in it. All the tables were cleared of clutter and had been dusted. Laundry was done. Dishes were in the dishwasher. Was it a magical maid fairy? No, it was Kris. What a nice surprise to come home too. Maybe I will let him be a stay-at-home Dad once we're established. Ha ha...
Today's gross lab was pretty much the coolest thing ever, but I think Friday's might be better. Today I cut the lungs out of the chest and my lab partners and I removed them. They were lodged in there pretty good, so it was no surprise when John's lung went flying down our lab table and came to a stop at the end. Thank goodness he didn't drop it. It was pretty neat. Friday we're taking out the heart. Our guy had open heart surgery, so there's no telling what all we'll find in there. Anyway, I must go be productive now - I'm thinking biochem sounds good.


Beth and David said...

Glad to hear that you are making it and maybe getting into a routine with the studying; I'm sure it is hard at first with all the different courses you are taking.
We got back from vacation and it was very pretty and the weather was nice and cool.
Hurrayyy for the maid fairy in whatever shape he/she comes. Invite him back again for a rerun.
I continue to pray for you and your studies and know you will do well.
love ya, Auntie

julzjubilee said...

Oh my lord, you're playing hackie sack with lungs. What is the world coming too?

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